Monday, May 4, 2009

Is Yahoo! been fair to me?My simple question was deleted twice.?


Hi peacedotcomm,

Thank you for taking the time to submit an appeal. Upon review, we found the following question was not in violation of the Answers Community Guidelines:

"Will The Arabs or the world listen to Bush after destruction of Iraq?"

The Yahoo! Answers Team regrets that your question was wrongfully reported by the Answers community. Your question has been reposted to Yahoo! Answers, and we are sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused.

As a result of your appeal, the people who reported your question will have less influence when reporting abuse in the future.


Yahoo! Answers Team



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Is Yahoo! been fair to me?My simple question was deleted twice.?
I honestly wouldn't lose too much sleep over the violation notices. I have received a number of violation notices for trivia things, and although I appeal most, it isn't worth the aggrevation to yourself to pursue beyond that. The real problem lies with the people who have appointed themselves judge and jury. There is an element on this site which seemingly takes pleasure in reporting anything they don't like, whether it is a true violation or not. Unfortunately, due to the nature of this forum, there is no way around the unfair violations except to appeal when you can. The rest of the time, live and let live. You can't control how other users respond to your questions or answers. I just do my thing and don't worry about it anymore.
Reply:Perhaps the first time it was reported as one violation, and the second time it was reported as a different kind of violation.

Although I can't figure out what either violation would be.
Reply:at least you got a response from YA....i demand an explanation for each of my many many violations but never had i gotten a letter from Carmen. Good for you
Reply:well who knows with the communist gestapo censors. say and post exactly what they want to see, or be permantly removed like mark w was. you don't see him or most of his contacts anymore do you?? they got booted for pointing out that a christian fundamentalist was a bigotted racist. boom they're gone. he's a pal fr.360, and many like minded contacts also got removed. on the grounds their posts were not questions or answers. isn't the word yes an answer to a question. see you would have said yes. tread carefully, the supremists control everything.
Reply:Maby not, if it happens, change your password.

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