Monday, November 16, 2009

Yahoo Autosync keeps locking up my account.?

Everytime I try to sync using the Yahoo Autosync application it locks up my account. I have email Yahoo about 7 or 8 times and all they send me is the generic answer (see below). How do I actually get a hold of somebody at Yahoo?


Thank you for contacting Yahoo! Customer Care.

We're sorry you've had difficulty accessing Yahoo!. The error you

received is typically caused by unusual activity from either your

computer or your Internet Service Provider (ISP) to Yahoo!. While this

type of problem is usually temporary, if you continue to experience this

error, we recommend that you try the following suggestions:

1) Contact your ISP and let them know you are experiencing connectivity

problems with Yahoo!. You may have difficulty accessing Yahoo! if we

detect unusual network traffic coming from your ISP. Only your ISP will

be able to address and resolve this abnormal activity.

2) Check that you are not using any third party software program or

application to access Yahoo!

Yahoo Autosync keeps locking up my account.?
every one is having problems with it.
Reply:A number of people are reporting this problem, myself included. Yahoo! is silent on the issue.
Reply:UPDATE: It's working now (4:15 PM central time 4/24). Try it again!

There's something wrong on Yahoo's side, and as usual, they're sending out boilerplate responses. Seems that most people can get contacts to sync, but not the calendar. I know they were having issues with the calendar module for the MyYahoo home page recently. It was showing the wrong times for peoples' appointments. Now they just fixed that, and this goes wrong. Might be a coincidence, but seems like there could be something there.

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