Friday, November 13, 2009

TERRIFIC NEWS! Yahoo Stock Falling like a Rock, HOORAY!?

Microsoft is going to walk away allowing Yahoo stock to fall like a rock, and when it gets back down to a more reasonable level, like $2.50 per share, then they might buy the company minus the screwball leadership that Yahoo has right now. Yahoo CEO thinks his company is worth more then what was offered by Microsoft, wishful thinking on Yangs part.

How many people want to see Yahoo swallowed up by another more responsible company, and who thinks the leadership in Yahoo are a bunch of screwballs?

I know this question will get replies from Yahoo employees that set up accounts especially for this Q%26amp;A site to express their views towards questions, especially if those questions go against what they think Yahoo is all about.

Birds of a feather do flock together and misery loves company.

So, people pour your hearts out as to why you think Yahoo should remain in charge of their own internet sites, all comments welcomed!

Even the die-hard yahoo idiots are welcome to submit!

TERRIFIC NEWS! Yahoo Stock Falling like a Rock, HOORAY!?
Yahoo is a very worthwhile company. It would add much value to MSFT and make them a stronger competitor against GOOG. I don't believe the stock is worth $2.50. As a stockholder I am hanging on as one day a good deal will be reached and all stockholders will be happy. It is worth at least $33 a share in my opinion.
Reply:shame on you, they are such wonderful folks at yahoo.


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